Unassailable Purity
Your luminous lucent mind longingly mystique,
multi-facetted crystal clear piece of gorgeous gem,
shapes sublimely your transparent thoughts,
gleamed by the soul-suffusing sensuous rays.
Clear of the coasting cloud of surreptitious self-doubt,
your diaphanous psyche steadfast in obvious orbit,
stays shining on the enlightened trajectory unbound,
darting out of the dark depth of abysmal abyss.
In your mesmeric meadow I see the glowing grass
look up to the seraphic sky of the dawning day.
The tinged tilted tips hold the dainty drops of dew,
sparkling with the glamorous glitter of pristine sunshine.
The dew drops glimmer as pearls of my mesmerized joy,
make happiness hover within my passion perception,
convey the notion everything has a time to come and go,
I need to hold on to the inspired instants of ecstasy.
My desire defines you as the diamond of lasting love,
flashing your fervent face of crystal clear charisma,
like the dew drops designed with luring luster of longing,
perennially preserved with unassailable purity.