Unborn Plea
Please don't kill me
There's other option's for you,
Just because you don't want me
There's other couples who do.
I'm not asking you to keep me
Watch as I gradully grow,
But to let me live my life
So, off to my grave i won't have to go.
I am a live human being
With fingers, toes, eyes and ears to,
Why can't you just try to love me
For I'm already loveing you.
I want to experience love and emotions
To laugh, run around, and to play,
See the sun come up, stars at night
But this and more your taking away.
Your mother gave life to a human being
Who just hppens to be you,
All I am asking of you now
Is to open your heart, give me life to.
What about the things I want
Will you please just think of me,
The dreams I have for the future
What some day I wish to be.
If you abort me it will be murder
Have to live with the pain and sorrow,
My body will be completely destroyed
Never knowing about each tomorrow.