My Beloved is lofty
and exalted
his throne sets in the crag
on the mountain
I am the sea that laps at his feet
his voice is many thunders
when he sings
my turbulance is eased to peace
he has bountifully filled my depths
his winds draw my waters to himself
where my affections are the downpour
that fills all his rivers and lakes
which are released again to my shores
where we are joined in perpetuity
Sun and shadow are his resting places
he haunts the trails of the ibex
chases the mountain ewes to the valleys
he walks the untouched ranges
I contemplate his movements in time
my beloveds heart is the vastness of the wilderness
and I rest at the edges of his boundry
I wait for him
to view me from the heights
answer my waves for his attentions
where I caress his foothills
and his embrace stirs up the sands
His movements are effortless
ceaseless and ever awake
to the needs of his domain
the bounties of his devotions are
the true provisions of life
his generosity is unmatched
his reason always true
I am distressed without him near
he is fully vibrantly alive
and desirable of heart
I have found abandon of affections
ours is a devotion possessed of truth
realized only in a single rejoin
of voices lifted in praise
for the gifts of life with love
His father has given him a kingdom
those betrothed shall serve by his side
his treasury is full
rejoicing and delight are his company
his fondness with the children of mankind
and favor has lifted our hearts
no longer anchored to the depths
but able to soar like the mists
that water the valley floors
able to ride the gentle breezes
where sun , earth , wind , and water
have created abundance
sources Psalms Proverbs Song of Solomon Ecclesiastes
Exodus 19 -20
COPYRIGHT © 2011 C Michael Miller