Love Poem: Uncommon Repose
Anonomus Scorpio Avatar
Written by: Anonomus Scorpio

Uncommon Repose

I hope you find yourself calm; next to me, in uncommon, repose
Like a peony, your beauty willingly unfolds so naturally plain
I found myself undeniably happy in the feelings to you; I expose

You heal my wounds; the ones that no one else knows 
Written for you with hearts; bright red as blood in a vein 
I hope you find yourself calm; next to me, in uncommon, repose

As chain lightning brings devastating storms to a close
You are the scent of loves white clouds; that freshly made rain
I found myself undeniably happy in the feelings to you; I expose

Such a magnificent being you are; scarring off all my crow's
Sadness of time: It's escaping like blue water down a drain
I hope you find yourself calm; next to me, in uncommon, repose

My heartbeats, brake with you, and everything simply slows
Somber eyes defined with every speck of their hourglass grain
I found myself undeniably happy in the feelings to you; I expose

With simplicity, you have watched as my feelings arose 
Continue being you; stay that course; it's so easy to maintain 
I hope you find yourself calm; next to me, in uncommon, repose
I found myself undeniably happy in the feelings to you; I expose