Unconditional Love
Unconditional Love
Unconditional love is like no other
It covers their sins and loves their brother
There's only one kind of love that will forgive
It can bring healing to help them live
When someone who hates you and treats you bad
Show them kindness and make them glad
Unconditional love is humbling indeed
But, be an example and sowing the seed
It isn't always easy to show this kind of love
You need the Holy Spirit our Father from above
He will give you the grace that you will need
Humble yourself and bow your knees
Remember God loved us before time began
He knew us in our mother’s womb and held us in His hands
Grace is God Riches at Christ Expense
Our sins to Him are now past tense
Sometimes it may cost you to show this kind of love
You may have to sacrifice your life but your rewards wait above
There are those who are now in Heaven who did the same
They we're persecuted and beaten for sake of Jesus Christ name
When we walk in the Spirit trust and obey
This is when our unconditional love will always pay
I love you no matter what you do or say
Joy will fill our hearts in a very special way
When we give our unconditional love each day
It could change a life and sometimes save
Let us be the Light for all to see
So they will come to Jesus and be set free
Love never fails it works for our good
Let us obey God's word and do what we should
Do you know someone who needs this love
Bring them to Jesus, but be gentle as a dove
©2009Copyright By Susan R. Smith