Unconfessed Love
“Tis torture, and not mercy. Heaven is here”
Floating freely amidst the thoughts in my dreaming heart.
Burning futilely, its fiery passion into my soul.
Days spent dreaming go forth unfulfilled.
A soul unbound, without love’s embrace, witherth.
Merciful God in heaven, why curseth thou me so?
Dost thou not see the lusting worming within me?
My living in worth naught lest true love be fulfilled.
And passions contrived are as a squeezing corset.
Doth she not steal from me every tranquil breath?
Hoping surroundeth each waking moment.
Heaven lies here in imaginings that bindeth forever.
Alas, such sweetness as true love dieth in the mind…
Unconfessed –
© July 25, 2011
Dane Smith-Johnsen
Written for Poetry Soup Member Contest: Romeo and Juliet; How tragic is love… Sponsored by:
~*Wandering* Butterfly*~