Love Poem: Undead Through Full-Love Health
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Undead Through Full-Love Health

Here's my thing.
I wonder if Yin-UnDead,
river of Time's ebbing wave
predicts Yang-Love Health Abundant PowerWith.

No, really,
I think about that,
and I wonder if EcoReligious Universal Messiahs
could also become Bodhisattva Integral-Unitarian Occupiers,
Zero-sacred self-invested/Othering-divested PlaceHolders,
bilaterally stretching thresholds toward health-balanced 
resonant time windows 
of co-investing light emergence
dark submergence,
with dualdark anger/fear co-redemption,
now re-emerging
Anthro/Earth-therapeutic regenerative values
degenerating disvalues

mindbody neurosystem
regeneratively balanced sense of normative 
light is to dark
as warm is to cold,
as AnthroMind Interior is to EarthBody Exterior.

This feels important to me
that we seem to already incarnate this bicameral wokeness,
without polyculturally comprehending
BiPartisan Ego/Eco balanced appositional function
as prime-relational normativity
of AnthroMe and EarthTribeWe
cooperatively co-arising empathy

Empowering Golden Rules of regenerately evolving nature,
Enlightening Golden Ratios of revolutionary Win/Win nurture
within EarthTime's BiLateral HealthCulturation,
both DNA and RNA polycultural evolving outcome,
divine octave-color harmonic-fractal WinWin
reiterative dipolar.

I also wonder 
if Bodhisattva and Messianic co-redemptive natural function,
might feel more like a doormat inside,
than any clear mindbody bicameral-balanced landscape,
a Climax of EcoConsciousness 
without ego-verbal cognitive distinguished blemish,
more like a curious bodyfelt power 
within recessed ego-nurturing light,
more like a dipolar-hinged threshold
when faced with brighter co-radiant loving sight.

Doormats, like thresholds, struggle within Ego-centric ecosystems
within AnthroCentric Earth-enculturation language
and mindbody neurosensory systems.
Yintegral thresholds hear both sides 
of healthy complex polycultural messages
with less wealthy monocultural understories,
waiting to revolt against ego/ecosystemic imbalance
as anthro-opportunity increases risk 
of EarthToxic overpopulation.

So, rebooting the UnDead YangMessianic side
of this co-redemptive creation story,
do we choose to become doormats toward death of EarthTribe,
or doormats toward full-abundance of space/time?
My body/mind answer again is both
absorbing ego-purgation death
of angry-past memories,
absorbing all those fears 
about absence of sufficient healthy ego-incarnate time,
until all that remains is Absent (0) diastatic
YangYintregral win-win
diastolic flow of time as memory
revolving synaptic light 
as notnot dualdark past and future
timeless waves of Earth's elation
ego/ecosystemic co-gravitation
integrating symbiotic universe

Surfing light through MidWay horizons
of polyculturing alpha-dawns
opening (0)Mega notnot dusk 
of UnDead EarthTribe 
dreaming peaceful night.