Love Poem: Under A Moonlit Sky
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Written by: Emile Pinet

Under A Moonlit Sky

A sullied sun slips into oblivion without making a sound; and darkness rushes in to fill the void, left by light's demise. But then, ebony skies morph into a bejeweled extravaganza of breathtaking beauty; sprinkled with stars. A beaming Luna, dressed in a golden gown, rises majestically into the heavens. And under a moonlit sky; love blossoms! Enchanted by the moon’s gilded aura time pauses, for magic, exists within the hearts of lovers in love. Two souls become immersed in each other, like pools of still waters; reflecting the harmony of hearts in love. Feelings surface with an emotional force; that carries dreams to the shores of forever, fueled by an elixir of hope and trust.