Under the African Skies
I stand gazing across the vast plains of my South Africa
Plains empty of man-made monsters,
Filled only with God’s beauty and grace
The stillness of the beauty fulfills me
I inhale deeply filling my lungs with the pure air-The air is sweet and refreshing,
The smell of life, brought only by the heavenly rain on our African soil
I watch the sun take its place, casting away the clouds
As the dark clouds tumble away, the sky is filled with the beautiful spectrum of light,
My eyes feast on the mesmerizing colours of the rainbow-This is the symbol
Of God’s promise to our country
As I gaze at this colourful ghost of life I realize
The true pot of gold of this rainbow is South Africa.
I kneel on the soil, running it through my fingers,
Each grain like a diamond and me the diamond digger
I close my eyes feeling the warm breeze blow through my hair
It carries the messages of all the creatures
Telling stories of the battles of the plains,
Those conquered, those lost and those still to come
It is the breeze of life, the life force that fills every living creature, connecting us all as one
As I shout out to the heavens the land is filled with my voice,
Echoing like the deep thunder of the skies
I hear the calls of birds across the plains, a vast network of communication
I see a herd of antelope running and leaping through this maze of beauty
I start to run, sprinting until I no longer can
I stare into the face of the African sun as it bleeds to death, painting a red smile
Across the glowing orange sky
Until, darkness
The night sky is illuminated with Africa’s sparkling jewels,
The great kings of our past, watching over us and
Guarding our blessed lands
I lay back and close my eyes
The silence of the plains is a symphony to my ears,
Every individual blade of grass creating its own unique sound to the choir of Africa, Singing
the songs of angels,
Calling us home