Oh my love
Deeper than seas,
You have underestimated,
My dreams so subtle
You have denied,
Crushed my desires,
Soul badly bruised,
Oh my love
Clearer than sky,
You have underestimated,
My yearnings so pure
You have ignored,
Subdued my emotions,
Soul lies shattered,
Oh my love
Softer than breeze,
You have underestimated,
My heart beats for you
You can't hear,
Disavowed my feelings,
Soul traumatised,
Oh my love
Soother than moon,
You have underestimated,
Always in my thoughts,
You can't be unaware,
Of the magnetic pull,
Soulful disguise !
Oh my love
Offer me some sunshine,
May be of twilight,
If not sparkling bright,
Don't underestimate,
Let not the hope end,
To soulful incinerate !
Written on 14/6/14
Contest- Open free verse
Sponsor- Charlotte Puddifoot