Love Poem: Underneath Starry Nights
Victor Buhagiar Avatar
Written by: Victor Buhagiar

Underneath Starry Nights

  "over the waters blue the night winds sigh, the breakers roar ... Lord Byron

My love, we'll meet at eight as we agreed,
A storm was near, the lighthouse sent its flash.
Would be our lovely tryst that end of day
To mark the start of our great happy love.

By then we hoped would be a night so bright,
The blushing, crimson moon was then so high.
The blue rough seas upon the breaking rocks
And sing to us a euphonious tune.

Together we will wait for stars to rise,
Where mesmerizing fireflies dance in tune,
This may be our last real chance to love
To celebrate midsummer's fun and joy,
In love, we'll hug and kiss and be like one.

Yet you kept not our sweet love rendezvous.
In vain I waited, life began to change.
The wind grew slow in its intensity,
Clouds gathered ominously o'er the place.
The thunder rumbled; lightning was above
Flew here and there above the angry seas.
My love was nowhere in my heart, for now
The storms were raging on the rolling sea
And on the ocean of regret. All's lost!

But then, a crack in clouds appears anew
And she appears all drenched but full of joy.
The night winds blow serene with sighs of warmth.
Our hearts entwine with love and bliss romance,
We will be married soon, our love so true.

Placed 1st