Undervalued Truth Begins
Forgiving is the true nature and value
of the child lost learning ways
in which direction expelling darkness
From internal love finding a sinner within
unveiling oneself offering the pain of the suffering
heavenwards our wings are the shield of protection
An instrument that wipes unclean dust away
to make way for the light of truth
slowly a cross will lift of the shoulders
We are slaves burdened unto the pain of desires
that where born from love on this earth alone
Divinity is the real deal love that burns eternally grateful
No longer blind to sinners or sin
its there a heart finds peace and solice
knowing from the crooked road walked
In hell wisdom learns us many lessons in life
we pray for those who are lost in direction
always to the day we leave this world
Destinies true love never dies
He died for our sins Almighty who is all forgiving
Lord I now take a leaf out of your book
Burying the past in the hope He will forgive those
who have sinned against us
blindly fooled into believing a falsity