The touch from your heart to mine,
There aren't any words,
For me to describe,
A warm feeling,
A gentle touch,
I don't believe,
I have ever felt like this as much,
With anyone else as such,
The loving comfort,
The caring hands,
The shirt you give to me,
Off your own back,
The sensual feeling,
To know I am loved,
To have and to hold,
Is written in the sky above,
To have that feeling,
And your soft touch,
No wholes in my heart,
We rejoice with love and happiness,
And mostly our lives,
That some day,
Might be inspiring,
Indescribable feelings,
Unforgettable moments,
The joy to have and to hold to,
One another,
We will not part,
It is through thick and thin,
Arguments, disagreements,
Nobody's perfect,
And no its no a sin,
I'll always love you,
You will forever more,
be in my heart,
We shall not be seperable,
Not until death shall do us part.....