Undying Faith
What is faith in this crazy world of uncertain times
It’s the never ending hope, it’s the quiet chimes
Inside your heart speaking to your soul
When the numbness sets in and all you feel is cold
Coldness inside without a glimpse of a warm ray of light
You are struggling to believe what is right
When you are caught between this world and a world of peace
And from all that is dark and wrong, you long to cease
Because from that world it is a losing fight
Where little by little you lose your sight
For the things that are from a higher place
While you linger in a world of confusion and disgrace
Lord, let me turn my back away from a world so deceiving
Beware of a world that will only leave me grieving
So I call on my faith to take me out of that place
To save my soul with Your beautiful grace
How amazing You are, my heart cries for You
In this chaos and danger, Your love is the only thing that is true
So keep me close in Your presence
So I don’t walk astray
Shine Your light in my spirit
So I can hear Your voice
I need to hear it - For this I pray