I think that what I'm saying is that UNITY is what this world lacks.
I think of the animals which speak to us with their eyes.
Desperatley wanting to speak to us, when they are hurt or needing
some sort of love.
May God's Love be with you.
Unjaded by the years
We are all connected by some sort of chemistry.
It may never be defined.
Leave it be.
We are united by chemistry.
If we love one another with no judgment.
We will be allowed to float.
Wherever we may go from here.
War never changed anything.
Maybe Peace will change everything.
Has anyone tried that.
Leave the past cause it don't mean a thing.
Make the future a beautiful thing.
Communicate. Open the gate.
Open your hearts. Try not to hate.
There is always someone out there who will listen
and negogiate.
Take a chance. Try and dance.
Try and listen.
Just believe.
Just pray
Don't try and rule.
Ask for a different way.
Maybe just maybe it will light your way.
Take a chance.
It may just work this time.
No matter who you are...take a chance at life and love.