Univerce and Woman Body
Why Universe
which has stretched above us
inspired and attracted
with stars, pulsars, globules
Black Holes, dust formation
and billions galactics
much more than our dear planet
reviving, kind and painstaking
where we all born, grew and find save haven?
Why Mankind grow
in love to limitless and odds distances,
and Earth gravitation overwhelmed
gradually and invincible
by Milky Way night’s show and mysteries?
Because we’ve pulled up by greatest desire and force
Issued down from open space and cool and rough body of universe
from where we all born and originated,
risen up from dying stars ashes.
As man in mature who wanted sexual encounter
with the woman and her life bearing and beloved soul and body
and there is no existed other journey
so exiting deeply and overwhelmingly
as love and attraction by universe and woman
who loved and belong us.?