Universe of Powergames
We first GoldenRule regard
each other Ego
as one special natural/spiritual
Left with Right
ZeroZone actively balancing case
of co-mentoring WinWin opportunity
to proactively love until we die.
Simultaneously chewing while walking,
RightBrain LoveElders
listen to DNA nurture voices,
watching and feeling and smelling
nutritional golden memories
and toxic anger-fear escalating hatreds,
Together, we
ReWeave PositivEnergy Left
born of notnot NegativEntropic
dualdark sacred Right prehistoric womb
of our matriarchal bodhisattva cooperative
WinWin Paradise
original co-missioned society
for health-wealth nutritional projections,
polycultural outcome hopes and predictions.
The RealWorld
of WinWin EarthTribe
is Special GoldenRule Case
for 2020 Revolutionary ZeroZone mindbodies
from and toward green through turquoise
ultra-violet co-mentoring
co-operative ecopolitical ownership
of EarthTribe CoManagement EcoIncorporated,
and all our self with other co-administered
WinWin FutureSearch integrity relationships.
Voices, bought and sold
by past patriarchal competing divestments,
speak of monoculturing WinLose violent crusading histories
as if these might become nutritionally legitimate
for healthy long-term EarthTribe
empire-building health.
LeftBrain dominant voices
see and hear health history
and multicultural wealth
through a patriarchal
RightBrain oppressive
deductive Either/Or fundamentally dualistic
secular nature v sacred spirit reductivist
monoculturing Win/Lose
trending toward anti-cooperative anti-messianic
Lose LeftBrain egopolitical values
and Lose RightBrain
Holy Matriarchal/Patriarchal Spirit
ZeroZone of and for Integrity.
EarthTribe has had many different uniting GoldenRule realities
and matriarchal uncreative absence
of historical revolutionary stories.
Differences between LeftBrain Here/Now reality
and RightBrain WiseElder DNA historic generalization
unite in ZeroPhase creolization
of one universal EarthTribe
integrity trend
toward WinWin cooperations.
Voices can communicate true experiential information
and ugly fake disinformation
because we still can hear Golden WinWin Rules
despite emerging climates
of devolutionary dissonance,
growing chaos of egocentric Rapture Stories
supporting monocultural colonization
through all self-justified violence theories
ad hoc necessary.
The WinWin UniversalGame
of EarthTribe ZeroZone consciousness
within DNA health-wealth memories
can be Win/Lose heading toward WinWin
or Win/Lose devolving further toward rabidly self-other defeating
internal-ego against external-ecohabitat denial,
rather than collateral prime WinWin relationship.
During WinWin play,
what is important
for YangEgo individuals
is also health essential
for YinEcoTribe's NatureLeft/SpiritRight
And neither EgoLeft
nor Eco SacredRIght muse of bilateral consciousness
is exempt from ecological/theological Golden Rules.
Playing WinWin most effectively,
robust therapeutically,
requires LeftBrain knowing significant difference
between forgiving oneself and others
for eco/theo-logical errors
falling short of our GoldenRule ZeroSum mark,
and pre-emptively pardoning one's LeftBrain ego-self
and others
without co-investing first
in noticing pathological YangDominant error
more than Yin/Yang healthy balance.
Dismissing others
without their having heard your gratitude
cannot co-redeem WinWin cooperative nurturing networks,
organic incubators,
wombs of matriarchal/patriarchal love.
ZeroZone bilateral Universe
has been
and could be WinWin GoldenRule redemptive
or Win/Lose
Either/Or degenerating back
toward Original
notnot irrational anti-polynomial chaos
of dualdark clueless absence of integrity,
Yang v Yin intrapersonal madness
of Left hates SacredEcological RightBrain history
DNA strains of health-wealth co-arising memory.
DNA elder sacred Right
re-creating secular Left consciousness
Beloved HealthWealth Community
Holy-Holonic Nature/Spirit
Ego/EcoTherapeutic Vocations
playing WinWin Universal Games.