Love Poem: unknown
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Written by: Lu Loo


it is unknown what tomorrow will bring,
unknown how i will wake up and feel-
is it unknown if i’ll even feel anything, 
but it's known God’s grace will help me heal.

for there are blessings in each new day,
believing in something deeper than me-
somehow gratitude has always found a way,
bestowing joy on bended knee.

may the hurting begin to feel peace,
and may those who suffer heal the inner child-
through God may they feel a release,
from the chains that made them defiled. 

it is unknown what fate our God will give,
who or what will stay or decide to leave-
all i know is that having the will to live,
is a miracle we must be grateful to receive. 

so if pain ever allows fear to flow through you, 
and you wonder why your heart feels alone-
just try to think of pain as a path to breakthrough, 
because through difficulty our strength is shown...
and sometimes there's beauty in the unknown.