I never knew my name, I always walk in shame.
I never knew my Father , nor my MOTHER.
Never knew a sister : Never knew a brother.
Where should I set the BLAME ?
I never knew an uncle, I never knew an aunt.
GRANDPARENTS : That give YOU anything YOU want!?!!?
I knew my wife ( LENORE ) for seven hours.
I don’t mean Biblically ; I mean rice laden showers.
Another POETESS came into my life, a short while ago.
Her POEMS inspired me, Her words built up my Ego.
Her EYES , the most beautiful, beckoning: color GREEN.
Brighter than the stars on the silver screen.
I never thought I would fall deeply in LOVE with YOU.
I never thought : That YOU would have “ SOMEONE “ TOO.
I will Always LOVE YOU
Inspired by ; Written For ; and Dedicated to TAMIVIOLET