Unleash the Passion
Unleash the passion within my soul
the grace of my Savior is my pardon
my prayer to You, Lord, make me whole
unleash the passion within my soul
help me lose myself to give You control
and dance with You in your garden
unleash the passion within my soul
the grace of my Savior is my pardon
Unleash the love within my soul
in You, I am a new creation
Your love alone has made me whole
unleash the love within my soul
the sin of this world has taken its toll
my heart cries for your salvation
unleash the love within my soul
in You, I am a new creation
for Unleash contest (Paula Swanson)
third place
"But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you." - Romans 8:9