Love Poem: UnManifest Time
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

UnManifest Time

Double-binding demarcations of physical incarnation
Follow time's conceptual season path.

What we have named "time"
remains elusive, evasive,
does not present itself.
Ubiquitously coincidental with flow of thought,
fertile consciousness,
yet climatically optimized in HereNow forms.
Double-bound, double negatives
yet climaxing within dense in-formating energy
with ionic iconic positive balance.

Double-dark and dim primal enlightening Vortex
Yet encoding bilateral order within time's regenerative life-force flow.
Time's love of being,
regenerate (0)-souled systemic,
right as true as balanced,
implied contented confluence of coincidental
yet rational and just con-scientific evidence,
human natural proof
of time's smooth-emergent revolution.

From days of old till now,
Time's logos as Beloved empty Space 
and fully impacted Place
has never ceased,
By which we may comprehend progenitive universed conception
as dipolar exception 
co-operating inception.

Time conceives through binomial coincidation
we identity as Self Plus Other Selves,
Love of present,
with anticipated/anxious future
with faith-full/empty past,
manifestations of time's power with passion
peace with just-right sensory nest. 

How does the Thinker know these shapes of nature's revolving Time?
Through multiculturing function,
Time's memory becomes co-passionately comprehensive thought,
bilateral conception,
following septum's binary dark valley of intuition,
great-dividing explicating ego from inceptive ecosystemic Time.

Double-bound marks of incarnation forward
excarnation backward,
Time's bilateral conception as contention
emerging bionically contented information.
Consciousness dances time's dance,
the singer incarnates time's song,
as Tao re-conceives spatial absence,
complex shadows of synergy.