Love Poem: Unmendable Sorrows
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Written by: Sean Cannon

Unmendable Sorrows

Sometimes I wonder if I'm living a lie,
you tell me one thing and do another,
'cuz here I am thinking you held to your morals,
yet you slept with 4 guys in a month.

It took us 6 months to go that far,
I was still pure and innocent.
I wanted the change and you seemed
to think it was the right time.

Did you think that the whole time?
Did you lie to me when you said
that you didn't want to,
early in our relationship?

I've always taken to honesty,
yet sometimes your word means nothing to me,
you've broken it so many times.
Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it.

I trust you, sometimes too much,
what am I supposed to do?
I feel so unwanted.

Sometimes it seems
like all you want is sex and kisses
then you turn around and say no to me
when you say yes to them.

It's like im not good enough,
I'm amateur and they're veteran.
I'm your amateur but you didn't care,
you thought only of you.

You slept with a guy in 3 weeks of dating,
and another you hadn't dated in 6 years,
and with me it's 6 months?
and I was first.

It's like you got a taste,
and wanted momre.
and you left me in the dirt.
You really hurt me.

And even though it was months ago,
it still hurts,
I still wonder if you're worth it,
and I don't know if it'll ever mend.