Unmerited Love
What would I be able to give in...
In exchange of this manifold love?
Though so ungrateful I have been, yet your life you gave
Upon my being adamant, you always tend to me
Not minding my disobedience and disrespect.
Every time I call on you, you listen
I thought it a right that you listen always
I was only ignorant that a privilege I had
When dearest friends betrayed me
I found the best of friend in You.
Your love I scorned, you still love me more
Your hand of peace I rejected, you gave grace
At the point where a father could not watch his son
You were there to watch and guide me
What would I be able to give in exchange?
My Father and King, indeed great you are
What I sought in mortals, I have found in you
Where else would I be able to find
that I seek if not in you?
Thank You for the unending love.