So many pages of scribbled rhymes
So many books I've read
Encased by my costume of indifference
While inside I hang by a thread
None of my teachers have prepared me for this
Yet no textbook could help me now
Each of my rhymes that fancied love
Showed no trace of the when or the how
i don't know what it is but this is not it
I cannot lie to myself or to him
Yet I can't end it all- I care for him so much!
But I don't see how both of us can win
So my choice is simple, it has been made
He is much more fragile than I
I'll let him die out of his feelings for me
I guarantee not much time will pass by
'Cause I'm not that great, not physically
I'm fat, I'm short and much more
But maybe that's what he sees in me?
He keeps going while others stop at the door
And in all these pages of scribbled rhymes
I never would've guessed it all
In all these fantasies I've engrossed myself in
Compared to reality, my imagination runs small