Unredeemed Soul
My heart is incomplete, my mind unsteady,
Stomach like a roller-coaster, arms thick and heavy.
What do you want and how do I give it,
With misinterpreted signs and all of this regret.
You misconstrue my love and all it is I do for you,
Destroyed my entire life so why do I still love you?
I can’t explain why my heart is so forgiving,
Sometimes I wonder why is life worth living?
The air that I breathe seems to disappear,
My unredeemed soul requires pity and fear.
Should I take you back and possible live in sorrow,
Or tell you to leave and then regret it tomorrow.
My indecisive conscious can’t tell right from wrong,
You are everywhere I look, every book, picture, and song.
Can I forget al the wrong doings that you have caused,
Why can’t we rewind and change all the heartache and flaws.
Only to forever and get back all the good that we shared,
I don’t understand how or if you ever really even cared.
I still do love you completely, the reasons I don’t know why,
For every time I hear your name I want to shrivel up and die.
Some how I feel this is all my wrong doing,
I am no judge, nor jury, so this is not to my ruling.
Should I take you back or just swallow and let you go,
I put my life into your hands, awaiting a simple yes or no.