Like a vampire you came in and sucked what little bit of life I had left,
leaving me empty and emotionless in this world.
I roam the streets every day, looking for some sign,
something that tells me it was all worth it and it meant something.
All I feel is rage, pain and hurt because I fear it meant nothing.
I keep hoping one day you will look back and realize,
You could have had it all.
All you had to do was be gentle with me.
You took advantage of me,
leaving there in a cold bed,
with flooding emotions running through my head.
I mistook something for love… and lost.
You manipulated me, twisted my head and heart so much,
that I cant seem to ever go back to what I used to be.
You on the other hand,
left with no remorse, no regard,
just moved on to your next victim.
I will pick up the pieces that you left me with,
find some sort of normalcy again.
But you…
I hope one day you meet your match .
I hope you go to her on your knees and beg her,
Ask for the unrequited love you long to have.
Then she rips out your heart right in front of you,
And with eyes wide open she says
"You had it coming. Now how does it feel?"