Unrequited Affection
When often thinking of times past
In accordance to her own place
She recalled a heart broken young woman
With longing her pain to erase
Guys grow fond of her demeanor
Going so far as to follow her around
Yet without a doubt she controls her heart
And departs them safe and sound
She never strays from her values and ways
From actions she continues to refrain
And when boys spend time in her company
For her, it is merely to entertain
Childish ways once embedded naturally
Inside her innocent mind
Have soon dissipated into the land of dreams
And reality she’s come to find
So many times she’s feared the day
When one young soul she shall meet
He’ll speak foreign truth she’s never heard
And sweep her off her feet
Hesitant to become transparent
She often hid her anticipation
And did so well for the initial encounters
Although with great frustration
No one seemed to understand her like this one
For in such a short amount of time
She questioned what her motives were
As her affection seemed to climb
Attempts to stray from him failed miserably
And in fact seemed to attract her more so
Each departure she vowed was the last
Yet her endearment continued to grow
Left in a quandary
She allows him to speak his peace
She soon understands his wishes for them
Are from each other to release
Now, rational a thinker she may be
She desires his wishes as well
But something leads her to believe
They both know this attempt will fail
She’s scared to read too much into this
In fear that feelings are unrequited
For only God can deem what’s to be true
And who shall be united
So, idly she and her soul await
For sign of returned desire
Yet, until that day she will attempt no more
And to her chambers simply retire