Love Poem: Unrequited Love
Jeff Evans  Avatar
Written by: Jeff Evans

Unrequited Love

Unrequited Love
I fall in a brink of forcing myself not to love? This forced action is beyond what most think is possable? If ever been in love it's hard to shake but true love that you've lived most your life with is 10 times as hard to lose or forget! No matter how much I wish for the love to return full, it must come to a scary stop at edge of a cliff I either decide to jump off of to my death or climb slowly to the unknown bottom off the side with risk of falling but grasping onto branches tightly hopping to not fall anyways? What little life is left in my heart is only thing keeps me hopeful I find the bottom before I fall completely? This feeling of uncertainty is scary on it's own and with your heart already week from this severed connection from the one you loved but now forced to let go! As I teeter on the edge still trying to make a decision my heart is twisted with unrash thinking, insanity almost takes effect, all emotions take me at once! I am now scared of a future without the one I truely loved but forced to try to forget them because the thought of them only generates pain makes life unbearable to think of without!! But the heart is telling you have to let go to live, or life will shore end at bottom of that cliff? But climbing this cliff may help you find life at the bottom of what's left of your heart??