Unsaid Thoughts
Lord, lay me down gently in the cold cold ground.
Put me where I once trod freely, a spirit unbound,
akin to the bird and the water fowl.
Let the spring breeze announce another soul heaven bound,
while the gift my mother gave, lies molding in the cold cold ground.
Let my kin cry a while and a while
then wipe their tears with a smile.
Let them contemplate love and family and what it is they have never found.
Let them look, oh Lord, look--before they too find a place in the cold, cold ground.
What lies behind is what once was ahead, a figment of the human mind.
Let me ride the road to glory, let me peel the larder's rind.
Let me sit beside my loved ones, eternally sublime.
Let me not regret my being, nor that I had to leave.
Let me go, let me go friend, I know what I believe.
And I believe, oh, I do believe, He I talk to is real.
For in his own way, he makes me feel what I feel.
All that I do and say, and love,
All that I am and am part of:
For my love of Him, will they also find- -
peace, joy, happiness, and forgiveness.
It is so because He told me it is so, bound
by His promise, I carry with me into the cold, cold ground.
And when she lies beside me, only then will, I be complete.
Two spirits merged, amo amas amat--yes I love,
I have loved and I shall love.
I am loved, I shall be loved, I will have been loved.
The great mystery: I am one, she is one and we are one,
something which will not change though the ground be cold,
though the winds blow, the tide rises and the sun falls from the heavens.
As surely as, I have lived and I have died.
As surely as, I have laughed, worried and cried,
putting all other good and wonderful things aside,
I will lay in the cold, cold ground with my bride.
While for now, in this earthly form we linger, awaiting the final surrender
to the great “I am”, the Prince of Heaven glorified.
Amen, Amen and Amen
April 2012 Charles Henderson/Thanks for the help Debra Guzzi--
the layout looks great.