An empty tunnel, no entrances or exits.
My one thought, how do I get back near you.
No windows, no doors, no air holes and yet I live.
Where am I, will someone find me.
These thought are nothing compared to one.
Where are you, are u ok.
And yet I think, I am stuck forever.
No one will find me, they won’t know where to look.
As time passes, one word sticks in my mind, Suicide.
For I will surely die here anyway, so why hold up the inevitable.
And wait, I see a sharp stone, just waiting to be picked up.
I grab it, tear at the shirt I am wearing, exposing skin.
I raise the stone, thinking I will see you in heaven.
I lower the stone with all my strength……………………………………………………
I look up, I thought I heard a sound, maybe your voice.
That’s it, I can’t go through with it.
As long as I hear your voice, I will wait.
Suicide might be the painless way, but your voice is the sweeter.