Today is true as any other, that Christ's sacrifice is the only truth that proclaims victoriously,
the deliverance of eternal death, my only means of salvation, for him willingly embracing
God's wrath, and receiving the punishment of my sins, as a warrior he faced death.
Asking forgiveness for the ones, who greedily tortured and mortally wounded,but in all this
he had control, His life was freely given.
An insurmountable sacrifice, the KING of KING'S has risen! and into me he so humbly
brought, the embrace of his perfect love and attention, even though my self-induced lusts
after sin. have removed me so far from God's perfect will, leaving me completely depraved,
bruised, and hopelessly broken.
Please God forgive this blatant sinner, the wounds i've endured i'm so ashamed, have all
been self-inflicted.
Please God wash me new, in the blood of your son Christ Jesus, placing me as a new
creation in the body of Christ, when truly i've earned God's judgement and wrath.
Praise and glory always be to the one, he conquered death and gave me a new life, he freed
me from myself, and from eternal damnation, he offers the gift of deliverance, how can i be
so ungrateful as to continue in my sin?
And yet you pour out your perfect love, grace and mercy, and discipline me when i need it,
and i am so eternally grateful, because without you life is darkness into which i wish i was
never created, but all things through you there is victory, so glory and power, and praise be
to you, you've delivered delivered me from death.
You picked me up and brushed me off, and told me "it would be o.k., but if i followed you i
would endure hate and persecution, for proclaiming your salvation.
But hey if God's got your back, your a Warrior of Victory, His light destroys all fear, there is
nothing that man can do to rip God's love away", your KINGDOM come, your WILL be done,
on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN.
Make me your disciple, because removed from you i am openly wicked, self absorbed, drug
induced, a pitiful abomination.
All power praise and eternal glory, i am forever grateful, though i constantly stumble, may i
humbly repent in the name of your only begotten son, CHRIST JESUS.
Your indescribable gift to spend eternity with you, under your perfect rule, praise be to God
for your free gift of salvation.