Morning light that penetrates my sheets
The radio doesn't know how i feel
A midnight heat still warms my cheeks
I'm still permeated by your smell
my eyes are shut, can't talk them open
they don't want to let you go
i feel your lips, my dreams still hoping
against what i really know.
just leave them shut, just let them stay
your kisses are steady, firm but tender
I never have the chance to say
but it's my burden to remember.
Shut out the song
the pianos heart beats stronger than my own
damn, damn this song
and the drummers hands that break my walls of stone.
leave me naked to the rhythm
the rhyme that's in my head
that took my dream, that dream was with him
and left me cold in bed.
against the wall, your hands in mine
they're solid and i'm grasping
kissing my breath away time and time
leaving me here gasping.