In the morning
The coast is greeted by the ocean
Its oldest friend centuries over
It waves to her
And approaches
Gently caressing her body with its watery hands as it makes contact
Massaging sand
Handles the rough parts gently
The rocks
Until they smooth down
Eventually, over time it washes away all the blemishes
All the traces of others
From the footprints from those who walked on her
The trash from others who didn’t know how to leave beautiful things as they are
And the sand castles from those who felt they could come and establish their rule
It takes everything
Leaving her almost as beautiful and unaltered as she was before
Shells are its gift
Occasionally a pearl. Just because.
Everyday it drops off another bounty and she is adorned with it
Along the spots where it touches her palm trees spring up
A green blush
A sign of delight
Of how she holds both love
And life