Love Poem: Untitled Iv
Caroline Russ Avatar
Written by: Caroline Russ

Untitled Iv

I thought our souls were intertwined 
-	So quickly the connection was severed
No longer do I feel aligned 
-	Only to learn it was a mistaken endeavor

Like an extremity that’s been amputated 
-	Trying to learn how to be whole
I hoped our union was fated
-	Breaking free to release control

Placing my heart on parole
-	Gone are the ties that bind
I now look inward to my soul
-	And look to see what I can find

Freedom has a quiet ring
-	Though often fought for vigilantly
What will this new freedom bring?
-	By myself I contemplate quietly

No longer questioning my enigma 
-	For it is much less intoxicating
Being left with only the stigma
-	No longer to lay in waiting