Love Poem: Unworthy Moments
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Written by: Mili Sehgal

Unworthy Moments

Defined Love or a refined Crush--
   Magic in his Word,entered in a Rush
   followed the road, thought it's My Love.

   Called him a friend coz nothing more to lend
   Shared all I can , Given all I had
   How sweet was the start , thought it surely will last.

   Journey Divine, moved and fly
   shoulder to Cry and a friend to Rely 
   Oh, what happened, filled with deep emotions
    failed then in all solutions.........

    Realized soon, it was just general
    Nevertheless My Cares were Eternal
    Soon, diminished within love Triangle
    Than thought He is not worth,
    Who drags me to rust.......

     His eyes expressed it all,
     Gave me a new downfall
     All was my illusion,
     This was again a dead solution
            Henceforth was my last resolution,
             I have to QUIT and soon will LIFT !!!!