Up and Down Side of November
The petrichor of fallen leaves
and coldness of the sun that grieves.
The lovers’ laughter in the wind.
Their purity shows they haven’t sinned.
Their faces pinched and full of life,
no thought of making her his wife.
Trees they groan, especially pine,
wild with shivers, right up their spine.
Prickly cones, a harbinger of,
a coming season fraught with love.
For now their gratitudes in place —
not cut down, brought to human’s space.
Wild turkeys, without guns, on run.
The hunters’ bullets, hide their sun,
unashamed of their livelihood.
Wasted and basted, butt’ry good.
Strung up on platter, good and puffed,
End of dinner, man and child stuffed.
Contest: Lay November
Sponsor: William Kekaula
8 syllables each line - HMS
aabbcc - Rhymezone