Useless Me
Do the dreams of a lost soul prosper
Or are they lost forever in the dry wind
I lost myself in this despair
Pondering the absence of my life's purpose
She confounds me
She needs me
But I am a useless husk
Barely human
Barely alive
Save when she is near
I AM a liar
I AM a thief
I AM nothing
Nights like these I ponder my anonymity
I sit impotent in front of a world that frightens me
I need and I hope
But I do nothing
She loves me still
When the dry wind blows what little humanity of me remains
Away ... so very far away.
I reach for her in dark and frightening wind
I find her warm
I find her love
Does love sustain the weary and broken
Will she tire of my useless ways
I've lost myself in the pitiful grasp of the unknowing and dying world
Can you guide me home?
Can you give me love?