Val Or No Val
Lonely on a cross road
In search of love from within
Believing I find what's not lost
With hope that some day I will find
Two by two I see all walk past me
Red flowers with a smiling face
Busy enjoying a day like this
With gift of love to shower on one another
Cards of well wishes fills the mall
A toast of love with a chilled malt
On White cloves At the movie hall
Love fills the air
Light hug to keep you warm
A day off work they got it all
Am here alone thinking off this all
Wondering if I get a miss call
Or a ping on my Facebook wall
Maybe a knock on my main door
Inviting me for a date i will surely turn on
I don't mind paying the bills all
I will walk you through the back door
With hope that my wish come through
Val or no val every day counts
Show some act of love, care if you have no val like me
I would rather ask if you would be my val?????