So, hey...
Wass all this 'bout Valentines Day?
Hell, ain't much more'n a play.
Peoples just acting the day away
T' git some roughin' later in the hay.
Been thinkin' 'bout this fer hours...
What's the deal with them flowers?
Ain't no really big WOW!ers.
Better sendin' 'em back to the plowers.
Oh yeah, and "I love you" on some dang card!?
What am I, a freakin' retard?
Mushier 'n a tub o' lard.
Y' know, after a while...
...some things just git tired.
What else I forgit?
Gifts I can't afford for s(p)it.
Lingerie or heart-shaped oven mit?
Hell, you know ain't nothin' gonna fit.
Now I know somethin' here's amiss.
Don't understand farther 'n i can piss.
There a senimenal romance somewhere's in all this.
So come on over here, darlin',...and give me a kiss.