Love Poem: Valley of Decision

Valley of Decision

Prophesy oh Son of Man
whose garments drenched in blood
make the people understand
they are a brotherhood
I freely gave the land to you
and sent the gentle rain
you stole it from your brother
and struck him down like Cain
You have murdered your own children
raped and beaten your own wife
poisoned land and planet
but expect a verdict of life
I called the earth to witness
I have called unto the sea
they shall expose the bodies in them
and reveal your treachery
They shall give their testimony
and count the blood you've shed
a chalice filled with violence
and with torture you've made dead
You are slow to listen
you have dulled your heart
when calamity calls upon you
recognize it won't depart
I bring your own thoughts upon you
and what you've hidden in your mind
you've disguised your life as virtue
and your works as done in kind
Earths kings have sat in council
there is  collusion in their vote
the priests have sat among them
of their plans I've taken note
I am pouring out my judgement
and the chariots of my King
he is dispensing in truth justice
with my decisions earth will ring
Repent you of her actions
repent you of her ways
lay aside all of her deeds
with bloodshed she's filled her days
Oh earth oh earth to you I call
do you think your actions hardly anything at all
you have plundered your brother delighted in his fall
turn around change your ways to you I call
Take care of your children take care of your wife
take care of oppressed ones take care of life
take care for justice take care of your earth
this is your family the dwelling of your birth
sources Isaiah , Jeremiah , Ezekial
Daniel ,  Apocalypse
COPYRIGHT © 2011 C. Michael Miller
via Duboff Law Group LLC