Vasava An Untold Story 4/Many
An untold story Part 04/Many
Rulers and the most renowned riches of Patilputra
And of the kingdom of Magadh,
Use to visit her Palace to see her splendid,
Daily dance and songs performances
While watching her splendid dance forms
And listening her enchanting songs
They use to offer even their most precious
Money and wealth to get a glance of her
Vasava’s dwelling place was bigger than the,
Many palatial monuments of Patilputra
Built by the master craftsmen and artisans of that era,
For everyone’s heart beloved Vasava
Its beautiful building, long corridors and Gardens,
Filled with seasonal flowers,
Were the best example of art and beauty,
Displayed on grounds, walls, and high roofs
And on the floors of her Palace
What a splendid opportunity it was for the maker
Of that beautiful Palatial building
To make a gorgeous place of living for the beauty queen
Of everyone’s heart of that era
As if the Goddess of beauty had asked them,
To make a dwelling Palace for herself
Were the excellence of art and music had come alive
To portray beauty in poetic forms & shapes
The Palace of Vasava with its gardens,
Round dance auditorium and with sitting stairs,
Was more than a place of beauty to be watched
It had a magical alluring attraction,
Because of its round dance stage and round sitting arrangements
On cushioned circled stairs
To watch Vasava’s yearly performances and
Hearing her melodies floating all round in the air
Many rulers, artists, poets, actors and musicians
From all over the world of that era
Use to come to live freely in her palatial guest house,
To show Vasava their wonderful performances
And after judging their different dance and music forms
Vasava used to honor and help them
With lofty gifts, money and applauses,
To cheer up their arts and to encourage them all
Ravindra to be continued in 5
Kanpur India 7th March 2010
* Patilputra . The old name of Patna - a city of India in Bihar state
Patilputra was one the most ancient city of ancient
India situated near river Ganges.
* Magadh The Kingdom of Magadh was located in the current
State of Bihar and other adjoining states of India.