Love Poem: Vengeful Revenant
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Written by: Abdul Malik

Vengeful Revenant

Oh, there are some hurts that nobody reckons
when a rush of rage, pain and revenge beckons 
about a wanton act of mayhem and spiteful action,
In the silent nights it beckons, oh how it beckons
belying my irenic ideals, beliefs and just conviction. 

Hesitant and much fretful I stood at the threshold
of a cordoned off bloodstained room, dolefully cold,
at this time a most dismal of moments and piteous
to wrap my head around this grim spectacle I behold,
My beloved and I lay bleeding—murders most vicious.

To find the one who committed this dastardly act
I vowed to exact vengeance, unravel one sole fact—
Towards my wife’s unfaithfulness was my hostility
It’s I who staged this scene of murder-suicide pact,
my suspicion was not without merit of her infidelity.

~Premiere II contest by rob carmack