Very Soon I'Ll Be With Jesus
Very Soon, I’ll Be With Jesus!
I know my life on earth shall one day end…
This body will turn back into dust again.
I hope that in my life’s remaining days…
I’ll be careful to give God glory and praise!
I hope that with the opportunities given…
I’ll walk in the joy of my sins being forgiven!
I’m thankful that Jesus has shown to me…
How much he really cares and loves me!
If not for Jesus… Where I would be?
He offered his body as a sacrifice for me!
Because of what he’s done, I’m living today!
He’ll be with me! Till the end of the way!
When my life closes, and a new life begins…
I’ll be with my savior, lord and friend!
Thank you Jesus! As a new day starts!
You’ve brought love and joy to my heart!
By Jim Pemberton