Love Poem: Victories For Love
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Victories For Love

The problem of military reactions
to territorial control issues
is not merely that violence breeds further strategic development
of violence,
although this is no small,
nor amoral, 

This primal problem of militarism by historic default
is that it is an intrinsically violent chapter
in the Big RedBook of Capitalism,
rooted in God created elite might right.

Notice the tools we make and buy for soldiers.
Compare these to tools in the Peace Corp.
These tell the very different problem-solving environments
found in authority to take life
rather than responsibility to share life.

And which of these feels sacred?
And which feels evil?
Whether a necessary evil or not,
still evil is not an amoral enculturation choice 
over presumably weaker sacred options.

Our problem with birthing and raising nations
is similar to growing healthy mammalian babies.
Violent authority-based relationships
and love nurturing responses 
and nutritional responsibilities
grow viral within individuals,
climates and landscapes of planets.

Yet it is a relativistic mistake,
a compromising error,
to believe WinLose choices
rather than WinWin co-responsive options
are merely strategic architectures,
without moral implications,
and projections for growing more democratic love
or degenerating further violence to health,
the true capital investment returns
for choosing to spread one's dominant authority
rather than cooperative EarthCentering responsibilities.

The U.S. democratic-intended Constitution,
and Amendments,
were born of both love for this people
and this place,
this sacred land,
developed in a new responsibility,
a New OldWorld opportunity
to grow a multiculture of healthy inclusive love,

Yet also born of hate for Royalist elitism,
supported by threat of military violence
authorized by right of a Crown
not made by merely human hands
but, yes, made by cowed human minds,
resulting in often enslaved backs and legs
and arms 
races and racism,
including conscription 
of the darkest and poorest first,
creating a new nationalistic suppressed generation
in toxic patriarchal authorities to take foreign life
because of something larger
more Yang-significant and dominant
than risks of our own Yin-lives individually lost,

Implying authorities to incriminate lives of brothers and sisters,
to deprive healthy lives to enemies of the State,
now become a God of CapitalHoarding Revenge,
a jealous rich god of elitism,
gone viral with MADness.

The U.S. is a continuing experiment
in these double-binding addictions
to love's responsibilities toward WinWin democratic resolutions,
and violations of cooperative authority
devolving toward further WinLose reiterations
of suboptimizing health-wealth strategies,
as if positive love morality of cooperation
could ever be normatively set-aside
for double-negatives of hating foreign fathers
and violating their heathen wives
as merely sexual property.

Rather Old School,
Old Testament,
Old History
this military-industrious
violent authority to defend capitalism's dominance,
a perennial contagion
we spread through using younger bodies
as rented slaves for mutual slaughter
rather than investing in cooperative Peace Warriors
equipped with more permacultural loving tools
like trees
and solar panels,
cell phones
and seeds for regenerativity.

A history of democratic love
is born and restored at home
through developing cultures of healthy care-receiving and giving,
certainly including a federal mandate for universal health care,
but not just for U.S. tax payers;
for all Earth's lives,
our native Elders,
without whom we never could have arrived
at this opportunity
to choose contagious climates of health
over toxic addictions to further WinLose climates
of capital-hoarding violence
within and between brothers and sisters,
matriarchal cousins
extending cooperative family co-gendering trees
back through spacetime,
prehistoric polypathic nondual love.

And yet I can hear Puritan founders,
evangelical voices
responding ex-gospel cathedra:
We still cling to our Jealous God
of and for White Heterosexual Male Dominant Idolatry
with rights of capital-invested might
to violently defend our self-entitling righteous beliefs.

Yet, this Jealous YHWH,
supremacist shouts more commandingly
only in our Older Testament.

Jesus knows Abba
whose ultimate property is restoring perfect love,
a property you also believe in
as New Testament GoodNews Gospel.

This is where love's ecopolitical responsibilities emerge,
evolve as morally higher and better and deeper rooted
than simplistic Old School violent revenge
against royal-supreme Elites.

Again I hear evangelists
and false prophets of violent revolutions
against secular humanism
shouting with spit-flying emphasis:
We must not believe in God's evolution
as this is a view incompatible
with God's Original Creation Revolution
of planet Earth
and Her atmospheric Universe.

Your theological and emotional health issues
are all New Testament scriptural evidence
that Jesus the Jewish Son
clearly does believe in messianic love's evolution,
from Vengeance Is Mine!
to God is multiculturing contagion of therapeutic love,
and not at all Old School RoyalState-Capitalist
military violence addiction.

If you see love of revolving regenerativity,
wealth of health opportunities
as weaker than violently vengeful WinLose monoculturing risks,
this view is not much Christ-like.

Had God invited your birth and maturation
prior to 1776,
you might well have felt compelled
by fear of King George's righteous royal entitlement.

Christian Elitists
are not what mainstream political U.S. culture
has ever labeled as truly patriotic or USA indigenous
in any historical senses of native as naturalized,
and most emphatically not
what either Republicans or Democrats
would consider patriotic
promise of a national evolving multiculture 
of wealth today
for cooperative health tomorrow.