Villa Sunrise
A thin layer of rosy clouds
Greets the morning sun as it breeches
The hills over Rice Lake
And Villa da Rosa. My eyes open
As the light penetrates my indigo soul
And my thoughts, invariably,
Turn to you…and sunrises.
I’ve seen the sun rise
Over the Rockies and chase
The fog away; seen it grace
The Erie beaches in the morning
And Huron dunes at sunset. From
East to west, I’m willing to bet,
I’ve seen the best that dawn has
To offer but nothing can compare
To the joy…the bliss
Of watching
The sun rise over you.
For luloo's Birthday Contest- written Aug. 12, 2013. For my 60th B-day my wife and 3 children rented a villa on Rice Lake and this poem sprang forth to express my love.