Villanelle:Who Will Dare Not Love La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Villanelle: Who will dare not love La Belle Dame sans Merci
Who will dare not love La Belle Dame sans Merci
Will she now dare budge from her perch in the clouds
No Knight-at-Arms her wiles entice sans souci
No belle dis-haunches curves just for a merci
Nor no beau fealty vows when she unfolds
Who will dare not love La Belle Dame sans Merci
La Belle Dame knows best why knights to grot go see
Best to keep armour on lest hell-met visor scalds
No Knight-at-Arms her wiles entice sans souci
Do knights her eyes gaze when they rout her easy
Nor think of fellow knights in arms she enfolds
Who will dare not love La Belle Dame sans Merci
Quaff not her cheap cheer unless from Holy See
Lulled not be by tales of woe laid by knights’ holds
No Knight-at-Arms her wiles entice sans souci
Serves whom right to fall in love with Heresy
No true love sits on throne when knights be cuckolds
Who will dare not love La Belle Dame sans Merci
No Knight-at-Arms her wiles entice sans souci
(c) T. Wignesan - Paris, 2017