Love Poem: Virtue Is More Than Mansion and Great Wealth
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Written by: Robert Lindley

Virtue Is More Than Mansion and Great Wealth

Virtue Is More Than Mansion And Great Wealth

If ones honor and word is not intact
What the hell ever else truly remains
Whenever ones word is considered fact
There exists no deep doubts no wicked stains.
Virtue is more than mansion and great wealth
It is the light, the truth, the commandment
So goes the truth, medicine for one health
When rights are guaranteed by government
Hold love and mercy to be way of life
Family a treasure its meant to be
Far, far more happiness instead of strife
Our nation a shining beacon from seas to sea

What does real freedom really, truly mean.
Is it far more than a mirrorlike sheen.

Robert J. Lindley, 6-13-2023