We had made one on the day of our nuptial knot,
Folding hands, most humbly, divine graces we sought;
Being one for good and bad; in sickness, and health,
To love and serve till death, with no intention-stealth...!
Like fresh bouquets of our wedding, we preserved them,
Did, then, like 't' of those bouquets, our oaths went mum?
Strange stillness, first; communication, hindered, then,
Silence came to stay, like that of a brooding hen...!
Where is that love? Where are passionate kisses gone?
Why do we insist, often, on staying alone?
How that physical image that gave us appeal,
Gradually disappeared like the onion peel...?
Our attachment altered toward our little ones,
Allegations we scaled on each other in tonnes;
Each one of us, with our daily chores, went ahead,
Spell of our forlorn first-night bed seemed to have shed...!
Of course, I will not talk about our constancy,
None of us has gone astray, I'm sure, consciously;
We did not respect each other's values and space,
Yet, did our doubts about each other, have true base...?
With boredom, jealousy, stress, and grief we went on,
Arises, in me a doubt: will there be a dawn?
We are existing, today, as though for offspring,
Will in this state of affairs, our knell, at last, ring...???
24 March 2023