I have recently been in awe,
feeling overwhelmed,
my heart being somewhere again.
I haven't' had a feeling
like this for some time.
Finding something I lost
I threw it away
and discarded it.
But it wasn't a simple item.
It wasn't anything that
didn't have worth.
It was valuable.
It was more precious
than gold or silver.
But at the time,
I was a fool,
I was wrong.
At one point
I was going to
make promises.
Promises that were supposed
to last forever.
They were to mean something,
carry weight.
When in fact I failed,
crashing and burning.
Ruining the relationship
I had, with who I loved.
I walked away,
before words could be spoken.
I dared not give promises
I couldn't keep.
The problem was,
I thought these words,
were only given in marriage.
The vows, although spoken,
should already be practiced
before you get to ceremony.
Those promises should already
be kept, already fulfilled,
already said beforehand.
They should be kept from
the very beginning til death takes you.
Those promises promote trust,
building the relationship,
making it stronger,
as you reach marriage.
You need to understand your words,
and what you promise,
so your words have weight and meaning.
You need to practice your wedding vows.