Love Poem: Wait........
Biplab Mahadani Avatar
Written by: Biplab Mahadani


Tears roll out of my eyes ,Whenever I think of you,    
Gloom takes over my face,Whenever I see you.
Such is my condition,Worse than the worst,
With no mistake of mine,Still being punished first.
Had been you were far off,I would have forgotten you,
But you still being so near,crying seems the only thing left to do .
Never could I understand your eyes, nor could you understand mine,
Misunderstandings separated us,forbidding each other to tell a line.
In reality so close we are,that several times we cross each other,
But never do our glances meet once,nor do they proceed any further.
Gone are the days ,when we smiled at each other,
Now even the thought of meeting our glances ,makes me thoroughly shudder.
Always I do ask ,one question to my fate,
What would be at the end? for which I’m made to wait ….